Breathe Better, Live Better

article breathing reflex
Breathe Better, Live Better

In our relentless pursuit of a healthy lifestyle, we often prioritize exercise, nutrition, and mental well-being. However, there's one fundamental aspect that we tend to overlook—the way we breathe. Breathing, a simple and automatic function, holds a profound impact on our health and overall well-being. Yet, when it becomes excessive, difficult, or imbalanced, it can lead to significant consequences. Unfortunately, we usually address it only when we experience difficulty breathing and unexplained symptoms.

Let's embark on a journey to explore the depths of overbreathing—essentially breathing too much—and uncover the fascinating world of the breathing reflex. We'll delve into how overbreathing affects our physical and mental health, and we'll provide practical steps on how to breathe better, enabling subtle shifts towards a healthier and happier life.

What Exactly is Overbreathing?

Overbreathing (also known as hypocapnia, hyperventilation, or excessive ventilation) is a surprisingly common phenomenon that many people may not even be aware of. The issue lies in the fact that overbreathing disrupts the delicate balance of carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxygen (O2) in your body, leading to insufficient oxygen uptake into the cells, tissues, and vital organs such as the brain, heart, and gut. This imbalance can result in various ongoing health issues.

Contrary to what most people assume, the problem is not merely a lack of oxygen; it is, in fact, the lack of sufficient CO2 to facilitate the delivery of oxygen where it's needed. This analogy is akin to being at a restaurant that only accepts credit cards when you only have cash—you have enough cash, but you can't use it.

🏹 Exercise to Feel Overbreathing:

To gain an experiential understanding of overbreathing, try this exercise: Imagine a circle and breathe in as you envision moving up the circle. Then, breathe out as you imagine moving down the circle. Repeat this for 20 breaths without stopping, similar to sighing repeatedly. Pay attention to any sensations that arise; you might notice similarities to when you get stressed out.

Introducing the Breathing Reflex

Amidst the complexities of our body's functions, there exists a simple yet powerful mechanism—the breathing reflex. It occurs as a brief moment in the breath cycle when your body has the opportunity to harmonize CO2 and O2 levels. This reflex acts as a gateway to balancing the body's chemistry and ensuring optimal functioning. Maintaining the right amount of CO2 is crucial for clear thinking, neurotransmitter production, hormone regulation, and overall physical and emotional well-being.

Ironically, we often unintentionally disrupt the natural functions of our body, including our breath. Just as we might interfere with our sleep, nutrition, and movement, we neglect the power of simplicity. This is where the breathing reflex comes into play. By understanding and embracing this innate process, we can restore harmony and unlock our body's innate healing abilities.

🏹 Exercise to Find the Breathing Reflex:

To locate the breathing reflex, visualize a triangle and breathe in as you imagine going up the triangle. Then breathe out as you imagine going down the triangle. Pause for a moment at the bottom of the triangle. The reflex is the feeling that your body wants to take the next inhale.

The Far-Reaching Effects of Overbreathing: An Explanation for Unexplained Symptoms

Now, let's delve deeper into understanding the profound effects of overbreathing. The imbalance of CO2 and O2 caused by overbreathing directly impacts the body's pH balance, leading to disrupted pH levels. These imbalances can have far-reaching consequences, triggering a cascade of events that vary depending on individual genetic predispositions. It is crucial to recognize that these effects are not limited to one specific system; they can impact multiple symptoms and bodily functions.

The Influence on Metabolic Systems:

The imbalance in our metabolic systems affects various aspects of our well-being, such as energy production, nutrient absorption, and waste elimination. Common problems include persistent fatigue, digestive issues, unexplained weight gain or loss, fluctuating libido, and imbalances in blood sugar levels.

The Impact on the Endocrine System:

The endocrine system, responsible for hormone regulation, is also significantly influenced by the CO2 and O2 imbalance. This can manifest in various issues that people commonly face, such as hormonal imbalances, thyroid dysfunction, reproductive disorders, and disturbances in mood and appetite.

Psychophysiological Effects:

The consequences of overbreathing extend beyond the physical realm and deeply affect our emotional, cognitive, and nervous systems. This psychophysiological impact can exacerbate existing issues or create new challenges. Some issues include heightened anxiety, panic attacks, mood swings, cognitive impairments like brain fog and poor concentration, disruptions in the autonomic nervous system, physical pain from muscle tension and joint pain, skin conditions, and lowered immune function, resulting in a lack of resilience to common illnesses.

The Interconnected Nature of these Issues:

One of the most challenging aspects of overbreathing is the interplay between these various systems. The issues we discussed earlier influence and exacerbate one another, forming a complex web of symptoms and challenges. This complexity often leads to confusion among doctors, practitioners, and individuals as they grapple with determining whether the problem is primarily physical or psychological. It highlights the need to address both aspects holistically to restore balance.

Interrupting the Vicious Cycle:

The Breathing Reflex Awareness Exercise offers a potent method to interrupt this vicious cycle of imbalance. By embracing the pause and cultivating self-awareness, individuals can gradually shift towards a more balanced respiration, leading to relief amidst life's challenges. Working with the breathing reflex allows individuals to rebalance CO2 and O2 levels, recalibrate the pH balance, and create a positive ripple effect throughout their entire well-being.


For More Science...

🧬 🔬For those eager to explore the scientific and behavioral aspect, here is an article that provides deeper insights into breathing mechanics and consciousness: Aligning Mechanics with Respiration, written by Psychologists Dr. Peter Litchfield.

Breathing Reflex Awareness Exercise: Breaking the Habit of Imbalance

In our journey to restore balance and break free from the vicious cycle of overbreathing, connecting with the breathing reflex is crucial. By deepening our awareness and embracing the simplicity of the pause, we can gradually cultivate a more balanced respiration and a greater sense of ease in life's challenges. The pause, both in breathing and in life, becomes a powerful metaphor for finding equilibrium and experiencing relief.

Let's explore a simple yet effective breathing exercise that can support us in this process:

  1. Find a comfortable seated position and bring your attention to your body and breath. Take a moment to create a sense of alignment by gently rolling your hips back and forth, rolling your shoulders back, and tilting your chin down. Allow your body to settle into a centered position, creating space between your ribs and hips. As you inhale, let out a sigh of relief, allowing your belly and pelvic floor to relax. Take notice of any tension in your jaw, neck, or shoulders, and consciously let them relax.
  2. Visualize a loose triangle shape and allow your breath to naturally flow within this triangle. Visualize the breath moving in along one side of the triangle, out along the other side, and observe the natural pause that occurs in between.
  3. As you follow the breath around the triangle, aim for smooth and seamless transitions from inhale to exhale and from exhale to pause. Avoid trying to control the breath; instead, allow it to flow naturally in its own rhythm. Keep the breath cycle gentle and quiet, attuning yourself to the subtleties of each breath.

Embrace the pause, allowing yourself to relax and patiently wait for your body's natural reflex to signal the need for the next breath. It's essential to be patient with yourself during this practice, especially if it feels unfamiliar at first.

For optimal results: dedicate at least one minute to this exercise upon waking and right before sleep every day. Or try one of our guided Breathing Reflex Meditations. 🧘‍♀️


Insider Tips:

👉🏼 Breathe in and out through your nose as much as possible during this exercise. If nasal breathing feels challenging, you can use your mouth but aim to gradually shift towards nasal breathing.

👉🏼 If you find this exercise difficult, start by fully exhaling first, blowing out all the air, and then proceed with the breath cycle.

👉🏼 To enhance the practice, consider extending the pause between breaths by a slight fraction of time. 

Beyond the Breathing Reflex for Transformative Wellness

As we integrate this breathing exercise into our daily routine, we can begin to consciously break the unconscious habit of imbalance and awaken our body's innate healing abilities. The breath becomes a guiding force, reminding us to find calm amidst chaos, to embrace stillness within movement, and to approach life's challenges with a centered and grounded presence.

Remember, the journey of breathing better is not a destination but a continuous exploration. Let the simplicity and wisdom of the breathing reflex be your guide. With each conscious breath, you can find harmony, restore balance, and unlock the extraordinary potential that resides within you.

Now, it's time to put our newfound knowledge into action. Here are a few key steps you can take to deepen your practice and continue on the path of breathing better and living better:

  1. Commit to Awareness: Cultivate a habit of self-awareness by regularly checking in with your breath throughout the day. Notice any signs of overbreathing or imbalance and gently guide your breath back to a state of calm and ease.
  2. Practice Mindful Breathing: Incorporate moments of intentional breathing into your daily routine. Set aside dedicated time each day to engage in the Breathing Reflex Awareness Exercise or other breath-focused practices that resonate with you. Let these moments be an opportunity for self-care and rejuvenation.
  3. Embrace a Holistic Lifestyle: Remember that breathing is just one piece of the puzzle. To truly optimize your health and well-being, embrace a holistic approach. Incorporate regular exercise, nourishing nutrition, restful sleep, and a positive mindset into your lifestyle. These factors, combined with mindful breathing, create a solid foundation for overall wellness.
  4. Share Your Journey: Inspire and support others on their path to better breathing and living. Share your experiences, insights, and the benefits you have discovered. By creating a community around the importance of breathing, we can collectively elevate our well-being and create positive change in the world.


In conclusion, we have explored the profound impact of breathing on our health and well-being, shedding light on the often neglected aspect of overbreathing. By understanding the breathing reflex and its role in maintaining a delicate balance of CO2 and O2 in our bodies, we have uncovered the key to unlocking our innate healing abilities.

Overbreathing can have far-reaching effects, disrupting metabolic, endocrine, and psychophysiological systems, creating a complex web of symptoms. The interplay between these systems makes addressing both physical and psychological aspects essential for restoring harmony.

The Breathing Reflex Awareness Exercise offers a simple yet potent method to break free from the vicious cycle of imbalance. By embracing the pause and cultivating self-awareness, we can gradually shift towards a more balanced respiration and find relief amidst life's challenges.

This journey of breathing better and living better is an ongoing exploration, where each conscious breath becomes a powerful tool for restoring harmony and unleashing our extraordinary potential. As we integrate mindful breathing into our daily routines and embrace a holistic lifestyle, we foster transformative wellness in both body and mind.

Together, we can share our experiences and insights, inspiring others to embark on this journey of self-discovery and well-being. Let us create a community that celebrates the importance of breathing and collectively elevates our well-being.

So take a moment now to pause, to breathe with intention and gratitude, and to embrace the simplicity and wisdom within each breath. You hold the power—the magical ability to unlock the true essence of life, hidden in the pause.

With each breath, breathe better, and truly live better...












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